Why We Are Here

Why We Are Here

There are so many animals who are missing out on the lives they deserve! 

Pets are often returned to shelters or rescues for problems that could have been prevented in the first place or that could still be remedied.

Senior dogs are overlooked due to lack of support in their golden years with cognitive decline and physical conditions like arthritis. 

Oklahoma rehabilitative Care for Animals Foundation is a Tulsa located, nonprofit created to help! 

Better education and access to rehabilitation is critical, so pet parents do not put their newly adopted fur family in jeopardy and contribute to behavioral and physical problems.

Contact us using our form in the web site. We provide aid in the state of Oklahoma. 

Any Oklahoma animal rescue, Tribal Council/Organization, or animal care nonprofit interested in learning more about how we may be able to serve you is welcome to connect so we can see how we can help!

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